The ten avatars of Shri Vishnu, of which on number eighth is our beloved Krishna are all very important aspects of Hindu mythology. They all may have taken birth for various other reasons; but primarily, it was to save the world. For the preservation of good and destruction of evil.For the devotion of devotees and the end to the villains. Well, as a noteworthy point, it is said in the upanishads and the bhagavatam that : There are as many avatars of the Adi purush (Vishnu) as they are waves in an ocean (JUST IMAGINE!)
However , the common bhakt is only acqainted to the main ten of them. We all know that the nine have come and we await the last one , called Kalki, who will come at the end of Kaliyug and hence establish the golden age (satya-yug) once again.
(I might write an entire new post on Kalki alone...i need to research further-Stay tuned!)
So here goes my small and simple bhajan in the praise of all the mahavatars. The lyrics are such that they tell Lord Narayan that if He is to be with me in all different births of mine then I can go through all the suffering with whatever avatar he takes...just to be with HIM.
Narayan , narayan, narayan re
Jo tum saath ho, Bhagwaan dayalu
Yug yug janma leke, Jeevan safal banalu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, dariya paar karlu
Matsya avatar bani ana, Vedh gyan bachalu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, amrit prapt karlu
Koorma avatar bani ana, Sagar manthan karlu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, bhoomi jal se khojhlu
Varaha avatar bani ana, hiranyaksha ko tarlu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Naam Narayan japlu
Narsimha avatar bani ana, Prahlad si bhakti karlu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Bali yagnya me jawu
Vaman avatar bani ana, Teen kadam saath chal lu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Kaamdhenu bachalu
Parshuram avatar bani ana, Kshatriya abhiman todlu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, diwali manalu
Rama avatar bani ana, Lankeshwar vadh dekhlu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Kurukshetra me jawu
Krishna avatar bani ana, Geeta tumse sunlu!
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Samsaar tyaglu
Buddha avatar bani ana, mann bairaghan banalu
Narayan . . .
Jo tum saath ho, Adharm mitalu
Kalki avatar bani ana, Kalyug me bhi rehlu!
Narayan . . .
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Ps: There is a Lovely, Magnificent and absolutely enjoyable animation movie made on the stories of these ten avatars. It is called : "dashavatar". I think it is on Youtube, but it's in hindi.
It is cleverly made in that it covers a vast ground of info without being boring. A def must watch! Even your lil kids, siblings etc will enjoy garaunteed!