What can be said of her,whose beauty charms and enchants the enchanter Himself? Yes folks, she is our beautiful Radhikarani. Not many people are aware of the transcendental qualities of this pulchritudinous lady. Why is it that Krishna might delay in responding to His name but answers immediately to Radha's call or anyone who chants her Name? Let's explore why, this Radhashthami. . .
She is an extension of Krishna, She is the feminine aspect of God. Thus, in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, God is both male and female. They are one, but Krishna expands into two, Himself and Radharani, for the sake of divine loving pastimes. If They remained as one, then there is no relationship, there are no pastimes, and there can be no dynamic exchange of love.
She is also known as Sarva-kanti, which indicates that all beauty and luster rest in Her body, and all the Lakshmis derive their beauty from Her. Sarva-kanti also means that all the desires of Lord Krishna rest in Srimati Radharani. As Lord Krishna enchants the world with His beauty and charm, Sri Radha enchants Him. Therefore She is the Supreme Goddess. Sri Radha is the full power, and Lord Krishna is the possessor of full power. (Cc.Adi-lila, 4.82, 84, 87-96) Thus, the two are non-different, as the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun, or as the energy is non-different from the energetic or source of energy.
In this way, without Radha there is no meaning to Krishna, and without Krishna there is no meaning to Radha.
The descriptions of the beauty of Radharani are wonderfully poetic and descriptive. Actually, the residents of Vrindavana care more for Radharani than they do for Lord Krishna. They know that Krishna can be influenced through Radharani. They know that Radha can bring one to Krishna. It is explained that Srimati Radharani has unlimited transcendental qualities, of which twenty-five are principal:
1) She is very sweet.
2) She is always freshly youthful.
3) Her eyes are restless.
4) She smiles brightly.
5) She has beautiful, auspicious lines.
6) She makes Krishna happy with Her bodily aroma.
7) She is very expert in singing.
8) Her speech is charming.
9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.
10) She is very humble and meek.
11) She is always full of mercy.
12) She is cunning
2) She is always freshly youthful.
3) Her eyes are restless.
4) She smiles brightly.
5) She has beautiful, auspicious lines.
6) She makes Krishna happy with Her bodily aroma.
7) She is very expert in singing.
8) Her speech is charming.
9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.
10) She is very humble and meek.
11) She is always full of mercy.
12) She is cunning
13) She is expert in executing Her duties.
14) She is shy.
15) She is always respectful.
16) She is always calm.
17) She is always grave.
18) She is expert in enjoying life.
19) She is situated in the topmost level of ecstatic love.
20) She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.
21) She is the most famous of submissive devotees.
22) She is very affectionate to elderly people.
23) She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.
24) She is the chief gopi.
25) She always keeps Krishna under Her control.
14) She is shy.
15) She is always respectful.
16) She is always calm.
17) She is always grave.
18) She is expert in enjoying life.
19) She is situated in the topmost level of ecstatic love.
20) She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.
21) She is the most famous of submissive devotees.
22) She is very affectionate to elderly people.
23) She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.
24) She is the chief gopi.
25) She always keeps Krishna under Her control.
(how much do you score out of 25??!)
How can I complete without quoting magnificent quotes on Radhika's beauty? Here we go:
"When Srimati Radharani smiles, waves of joy overtake Her cheeks, and Her arched eyebrows dance like the bow of Cupid. Her glance is so enchanting that it is like a dancing bumblebee, moving unsteadily due to intoxication. That bee has bitten the whorl of My heart." (Vidagdha-madhava 2.51)
"Although the effulgence of the moon is brilliant initially at night, in the daytime it fades away. Similarly, although the lotus is beautiful during the daytime, at night it closes. But, O My friend, the face of My most dear Srimati Radharani is always bright and beautiful, both day and night. Therefore, to what can Her face be compared?" (Vidagdha-madhava 5.20)
courtesy to:wiki
Hi Tanvee..,
ReplyDeleteHappy Radhasthami to u too!
Thanks for this wonderful post:-)) Lovely lovely!!!!
Initially I have always felt quite jealous of her... y lie? even now:-((....(i mean in a good way).....i donno am trying not to....but the feeling is more like an inspiration! Similarly I love andal/kothai too....:-))) When I sing, I always sing about radha....Love her a lot! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so much she attracts him re.....am trying hard every day..not succeeding:-((( HE never responds....:-( & thats not easy.....
JEALOUS? who isn't?! The Gopis too were! Radharani stole all the limelight from them with her infinite love for Keshav. Noone can ever equal Her in that depth of love. That's why she is known as "madan mohan mohini", meaning, she, who attracts the All-Attractive(Mohan) Himself.
ReplyDeleteOh don't say that. I m certain He listens to you.Maybe u are goin through one of those phases, but as u recuperate, u will realise that, He is all yours!! Remember, ILWK said He has taken a special form for each one of us. How long can He ignore you for?? He will have to respond ULTIMATELY. Keep patience...Probably, He is already responding but you might be oblivious of it...He is too sweet and extra-compassionate to keep you waiting for long, I think :)
Lotsa love
Hi Tanvee..,
ReplyDeletewow...thanks for such chweet words:-)) Yes! many a times I recollect what ILWK said the other day:-)))
Perhaps sometimes he doesn't respond as we might become lazy if he does...Unlike how now we run behind him trying hard to please him,serve him.....something or the other(very small things though) we keep doing na to attract him:-))) He is crazy!....ya crazy about his devotees:-)) I donno just this afternoon came to this conclusion....& decided not to expect for him to respond....Just thought to myself.."I'll keeeeeeeeeeeeeep loving him & take all possible efforts to unite with him...& not bother abt his response atleast for now..." ya kind of ekadesi resolution! lol...
U guys correct me if I have any incorrect thoughts in this regard...:-( can't possibly ask anyone...:-)))
//Remember, ILWK said He has taken a special form for each one of us. How long can He ignore you for?? //
//Yes! many a times I recollect what ILWK said the other day:-)))//
@All: Wait and see!! He's gonna tease me quite a lot with these repeated references. :P